What's happening to my bod?


Pre-Cancer Angie: hit the gym, workout with my trainer, look forward to the the endorphin rush that lifting weights, cycling, pulling ropes, attempting pull ups, and box jumps gives me.  I love being physical, moving my body, trying new things, pushing myself.  It's part of who I am.  It keeps me where I want to be, feeling good, feeling strong, feeling healthy.

Cancer girl: I'm tired.  My mind so badly wants to keep up with what my body is craving.  I've attempted getting in a little exercise every day, but truthfully, it's hard.  Meeting friends for a walk around Capital Lake, an occasional workout with my trainer (which leaves me completely breathless), using resistance bands and the BOSU ball at home.  I'm hoping as I get into this "routine" of chemo weeks on & off, I'll be able to get back into pre-cancer Angie mode.  I desperately need it. Ask Jack.  Watching my body change just after a month is horribly depressing.  But it's real.  And I need to accept what I have and know this won't last forever.  7 months.  I can do this.  So, if you see me and I look bloated or shriveled up or pasty white or bright red, be thankful for the pure goodness that is flowing through your healthy body.  Because, this sucks, and I need to see all of you acknowledging your awesomeness, because we are all "fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalm 139:14.

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